Landscaping Services

Transform Your Property With a Well-Manicured Landscape

At Gardner’s Landscaping, we offer a wide range of landscaping services to help make your outdoor space beautiful.

Bush Trimming

Proper bush trimming is an essential part of maintaining the health and appearance of your shrubs. We will carefully shape and trim your bushes to enhance their natural beauty.


Mulching is a great way to add nutrients to your soil and improve the overall health of your plants. It also helps to regulate soil temperature and moisture levels. We offer a variety of mulching options to suit your needs and preferences.

Tree Pruning

Proper tree pruning is crucial for the health and safety of your trees. We can carefully prune your trees to remove dead or damaged branches, promote healthy growth, and maintain the desired shape of your trees.

Bush Removal Services

If you have unwanted bushes on your property, we offer bush removal services to help you clear the area. We will carefully remove the bushes and dispose of them.

General Gardening

In addition to our specialized services, we also offer general gardening services such as cleaning and weeding to help keep your outdoor space looking its best.

Retaining Wall Repair

Retaining walls play an important role in the structure and stability of your landscape. If your retaining wall is in need of repair, our team is here to help. We offer comprehensive retaining wall repair services to ensure your wall is in good condition and able to support your landscape.

Leaf Cleanups and Leaf Removal

Fall can be a beautiful time of year, but it also means dealing with falling leaves. Our team can help you with leaf cleanups and removal to keep your yard looking neat and tidy.

Fall and Spring Cleanups

In addition to our regular lawn maintenance services, we also offer seasonal cleanups to help you get your yard ready for the new season. Our fall and spring cleanups include services such as leaf removal, mulching, and general gardening.