Lawn Maintenance

Lawn Maintenance

At Gardner’s Landscaping, we offer a variety of lawn maintenance services to keep your lawn looking great. We offer both one-time cuts & recurring lawn maintenance.

One of the unique services we offer is walk-behind mowing. Many landscaping companies use large & heavy ride-on mowers, but these can potentially damage your lawn, siding, sprinklers, etc. We also find they’re typically unnecessary for a lot of residential lawns.

Core Aeration

Core Aeration is particularly necessary in Michigan because of our dense soils. Core aeration involves using a machine to pull out small plugs / cylinders of dirt from the ground which loosens the soil providing a plethora of benefits. It allows oxygen, water & fertilizer to get deeper into the soil and hit the roots easier promoting healthy lawn growth. It also allows Seed & new grass to root and sprout whereas dense soil will inhibit this process.

Overseeding / Seeding

Overseeding is planting grass seed directly onto an existing lawn . This can be used to thicken a lawn and/or fill in bare spots. These are also both very good for helping choke out weeds or prevent them from growing. You’re also able to introduce new varities of grass that grow earlier or later into the season. Overseeding can be done alone but is commonly paired with core aeration to create the optimal environment for grass seed to thrive.

We can also seed / level a blank area that is already cleared or after clearing it ourselves.


Dethatching is a process that involves removing the layer of dead and decaying grass, also known as thatch, that accumulates in your lawn throughout the year. Although thatch can be beneficial to your lawn in dry parts of the season, too much thatch can prevent water, sunlight and nutrients from reaching the soil and roots of your grass. This can lead to a thin and unhealthy lawn. Dethatching helps to remove this layer and allows your lawn to thrive. It is often done in conjunction with core aeration and overseeding to create the best conditions for a healthy lawn.

Before & After Pictures

Drag the sliders below to the left and right to see how we were able to transform our clients properties.